Cursed Castle post jam update

Ok so here's an update with some fixes and additions to the jam version, this one won't get much post jam content for now, but hopefully it'll address some of the main problems people pointed out that i managed to fix.

Here's the changelog for a quick overview :

  • Changed player collision shape to improve movement around platform edges
  • Added enemy chance to drop a 10 hp healing orb when killed
  • Added weapon selection with  keyboard S/D controller L1/R1 to cycle between available weapons
  • Added player knockback on hits
  • Added smooth fade transitions between rooms
  • Added damage zone at boss's legs when he walks 

Sidenote :

i couldn't find an optimal solution while trying to fix the weapons reaching through floors, my fix at best broke the use of some weapons in some areas, so at the moment i decided to let it as it was in the jam version.

That's about it for this game, i'll keep the concept around to maybe do something more with it sometime, for now i want to focus on attempting other game jam and make more games to hopefully move foward and progress :p

Hope you'll like the update, cheers :)

Files Play in browser
Apr 02, 2022

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