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Great game, I don't really have anything to comment on. The only thing I would have liked would have been a control for the sensitivity of the mouse, because my eyes seemed to fly when I moved the mouse.


Love the game! Would maybe reccomend adding an 8-bit sound track, but besides that, love it!

Thanks for giving my game a shot ! Yeah th lack of soundtrack is cause of the time, i didn’t expect the delay extention th jam had so i didn’t have time to compose anything for Background Music this time around ^^


I got a no copyright song online, since there were no rules for the jam!


awesome game!

Thanks ! Happy that you liked it ^^


I played through all of it, this was so cool! I'm working on my own oldschool FPS for a jam. I'm really curious how you managed to have so much content for only 7 days of work.

I'm guessing it's made in Godot? How did you construct the levels? Is it some modular 3D models you made that you can put down on a grid?

Hey Liam :) Glad you liked it even if it doesn’t have much levels in the end XD

Cool that you’re working on an fps as well ^^ i’ll have to check that out whenever you get that out of the door.

Well to be honest i just barely made it in time yet again so i polished up what i managed to make and published it to not miss the deadline ^^’ But long story short, the models are in fact very low poly with modifiers in blender so when rendered in low res they look somewhat ok, the bigger monster on the cover has had a bit of gimp magic added to look better up close, weapons appart from the shotgun don’t have much frames so all is animated in engine.

And Yes it’s all made in Godot, i’m by no means a programmer at core, so i only know Gd script so it couldn’t be any other way XD

The levels are made using a combination of “Mesh Libraries” and a “Gridmap” which are a way of making a sort of 3D Tileset and Tilemap in Godot, though for a jam time frame it was a bit of a pain, cause i had to make a few cube and slope pieces in blender, but made them mapped on one big texture, so i had to Uv map every block manually to have the texture variants, and then use all the meshes to create a Meshlib in Godot to then be able to use with a gridmap and make levels, and it took a while O_o I made them with this method cause apparently gridmap has better performance than other ways of making levels in Godot, though i haven’t have the time to test and compare that to be sure. Hope that awnsers your question on that front dude :)


Woah, that grid map and meshlib sounds cool. Unity has something similar (tilemap of gameobjects) but it's a pain to work with. I'd be interested in trying to make a game in Godot someday. 

It is ^^ even if like i said i can’t really compare with what other engines use cause i’ve stuck with Godot ever since i started making games. If you’ve mostly worked with Unity i know Godot has a version that uses C# so that might feel a bit more familiar if you ever want to try the engine out. Oh and about the gridmap specifically here’s the tutorial where i learned how to use them, they even detail a bit about how to prepare your models in blender and how to export for use in the engine, so it’s pretty handy :)