My entry for Bullet Hell jam 2022,  theme : confined

Context :

As part of a space rangers team, you patrol space lanes of inhabited sectors to make sure everything stays nice and safe, usually it's pretty calm, but there's always the odd distress call !

There have been strange reports lately of unknown ships in this sector near an asteroid mining complex, you were sent in to investigate and potentially engage anything hostile.

Gameplay :

Classic horizontal shooter controls, move around and dodge projectiles, shoot back to destroy enemies. 

Your Ship's HP is displayed on the hud on the segmented bar.

You have a temporary overcharge shield that can deflect bullets back at the enemies, one activated it drains power untill depleted, once empty it will auto recharge for a while untill you can use it again, it's displayed on the hud on the non segmented bar and will beep once fully recharged and ready.

Different characters are available with different ships, each have different hull stats and weapons.

Controls :

Tech note : This is my forst time attempting local multiplayer, hopefully this should work ok, the game is best playes with controllers as the keyboard layout might be a bit cramped in multiplayer.

Keyboard :

Player 1

ZQSD = Move

Spacebar = Shoot

C = Activate Shields

Player 2

Numpad 8456 = Move

Numpad 0 = Shoot

Numpad 2 = Activate Shields

Controller ( each plugged controllers should have same controls ) :

Dpad = Move

Xbox A / Psx Cross = Shoot

Xbox B / Psx Circle = Activate Shields

Programs and resources used :

All assets and code done solo during the jam 

except  external ressource : Font  = Zendots from Google fonts

Programs : Godot engine, Blender, Gimp, LMMS with Genny VST and SFXR

Hope you'll enjoy the game :)

Development log

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