Radar Raiders post jam update with some changes

Hey y’all on Itch, here’s another small post jam update for Radar Raiders i’ve been cooking cause i had the time to do so.

The main feature here is a “new” weapon (didn’t have time to finish it for the jam build so it was non functional and inacessible by regular gameplay untill now) added to the in level pickups :

The Beam Canon ! with a continuous laser beam that fries bugs and their hives in seconds :D

I managed to improve and make a less janky system for a 3D beam compared to the one in Chaos Squad so i hope you like it ^^ also no scope on this one cause i felt it would be more fun to use that way.

Next biggest change is the Sniper Rifle, as to not make it too redundant with the rocket launcher i switched it to hitscan so you can now have instant explosive hits on enemies from afar.

Finally a few more small changes and Qol stuff, i’ll detail this in the changelog below.

Changelog :

  • Completed implementation of Beam Canon weapon, obtainable as weapon pickup in levels, you’ll have to find it yourself to try it ;)

  • Revamped Sniper Rifle, now uses hitscan instead of spawning traveling projectiles, with a slightly upped hold firerate.

  • Added a quick select menu on Game Over screen where you can switch your character and weapon without going back to the menus, plus added prompts to know what keys to press to restart or go back (this feature was present in the jam build there were just no prompts to let you know that)

  • Added camera shake when firing in 3rd person as well to improve gamefeel

  • Tweaked weapon first person fire animations again slightly

And that’s about it for this update, as always hope you’ll have fun if you try this, have a good one y’all :)


RR_MJ5_Pxlmw_PostJam_Patch_02_Browser.zip 10 MB
42 days ago

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