Radar Raiders post jam a really quick Qol fix

Hey y’all. So i pushed this very small fix to address some issues that were pointed out, so it’s not much but since i had a bit of time this sunday i tried to tackle these and was happy to manage to patch (mostly) these out.

I know i won’t have much more time to work on this project so i’ll probably move on to a next jam project or other whenever i can be able to do so. In the mean time hope you have a good one, here’s the changelog for what’s new. Cheers :)

Changelog :

  • Added an option in the player select menu to toggle on/off the bobbing animation when walking (also off by default)
  • Tried my best to implement a fix to the mouse capture issue in form of a “Pause” button with the Tab key during gameplay, this should freeze/unfreeze the game and also toggle the mouse capture to help whenever it is lost. Though note that it still has some jank and doesn’t quite react as well as it should, this seems to be specific to web builds so i’m not sure exactly what more i can do here.


RR_MJ5_Pxlmw_PostJam_Patch_04_Browser.zip Play in browser
36 days ago


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thanks a lot for the update ^^ going back to play again ;D

No problem, cool of you to play it again btw ^^