Post Jam Update v0.6 Tweaks and other stuff

So time for another update, another small one but this time it has been influenced a bit more by feedback from previous updates

It's not really visible but the main feature in this one is a bit of change to the overall gamefeel, to optimize navigation between enemies and shots while the player is vulnerable, i've gone the "SHMUP" route and adjusted the player's hitbox, now when airbourne, you have a smaller more accurate hitbox (albeit not a tiny one like in bullet hell games but it's based on the same idea).

Another small adjustment, is the height of the shooting ennemies, i've put them a bit lower now, though they should hopefully still be high enough to give some time to avoid their shots.

Lastly a sort of "workaround" to fix a bug that has been plaguing me since the first build during the jam, Enemies finally explode properly when crashing into the platform.

That's mostly it for this update, not much but it took a while since the hitbox problem got a bit more complicated to revamp than i initially thought it would :p Anyway i hope you'll enjoy it, next update has changes to the scoring system planned so it should take a while for me to figure this out and put together, here's the changelog for recap.

Changelog V0.6 :

  • Changes to the player hitbox, hitbox is now smaller/more precise when player is airbourne
  • Adjusted Flying enemy height, this enemy type now spawns much lower and can be reached more easily
  • Enemies now explode like intended when crashing into the platform

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Oct 01, 2019

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